get to know us

We are a one stop database for pet products & services

We Love Pets SA is an online platform for South African Pet Businesses to showcase their pet products & services. South Africa has great scenery and beautiful venues and many of them are pet friendly and allow well behaved pets.

Not only do we list pet friendly getaways, but you can search for restaurants that allows pets as well, read about pet nutrition or fun products and services provided by South African pet businesses.

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Antonette van Tonder

Hey there, I’m Antonette,

The proud owner of We Love Pets SA! My passion for pets inspired me to create a platform that brings together the best of South African pet businesses and their beloved owners. At our magazine, we dive into the latest trends, share valuable tips, and weave captivating stories that celebrate the joy of pet companionship. But here’s the best part: our readers are the true stars! They contribute their fantastic pet-friendly adventures, from exhilarating hikes to memorable holidays and even pet-welcoming restaurants. With a playful tone and endless love for our furry friends, We Love Pets SA is the go-to destination for all pet enthusiasts out there!